
Friendship In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for”---Bob Marley. Everyone will hurt you, but the ones that try to work through it are your true friends. They will stick with you through thick and thin because nothing is worth giving up the special bond that two or more people share. George and Lennie, the protagonist in the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, have been through so much together. From George almost killing Lennie by telling him to jump in the river, to both of them having to run from Weed due to Lennie being wanted for the spousal ‘rape’ of a young woman. The bond of friendship shared between the main characters Lennie and George is one no other characters understand.
George will always stick up for Lennie. They were at the river when George was talking to him about how to be safe.”’...If you get into trouble hide in the brush…”’(15). George really does care for Lennie and tries his very best to guard and keep him safe. That’s what friends do for eachother. Curley was questioning George about his relationship with Lennie. “‘We travel together’”(25). Even though Curley thought they were together as a couple, George made …show more content…

George was explaining to the guys how he and Lennie came to know each other. “‘Him and me was both born in Auburn. I knowed his Aunt Clara...Got kinda used to him after a little while”’(40). This is an example of friendship. George sometimes gets annoyed with Lennie, yet they always stay together as best friends even if they won’t admit it. ‘“George can tell you screwy things, and it dont matter it's just the talking. It's bein’ with another guy. That's all’”(71). With this piece of dialog we know that Crooks was able to see the friendship between George and Lennie. He could see why George and Lennie like to spend time together all the time, why they like being each other's company, and why they liked being

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