
Fretheim's Interaction With Moses In The Book Of Exodus

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Terence Fretheim has spent a great deal of his life learning more about his Christian faith and the Old Testament; he has attended schools from all over the country and even in England. He now is a professor at Luther College teaching about the Old Testament. This personal reflection by Fretheim emphasizes on the divine speech and activity in chapter three of Exodus as a way of revealing aspects of God’s character. God appearing to Moses is the first action that Fretheim focuses on. When God revealed himself at the burning bush, it was done in a way that would not frighten Moses with God’s divine power or glory. This reveal allowed Moses to approach God because of his curiosity. Moses then demonstrates courage and concern for others around him. God sending Moses to tell the Israelites that God had sent him and to bring the Israelites out of Egypt is God allowing the finite to be capable of the infinite (p. 146). God is thus using humans as his words and actions. Using Moses to act in the word of God, God thus continues to interact with Moses throughout the book of Exodus. These interactions between God and Moses …show more content…

In verse 12, God tells Moses, “I will be with you.” This promise to be with Moses throughout his journey is very meaningful because of the great risk and danger that they are going to be enduring. Because of the agreement between God and Moses, “neither of them truly acts alone when bringing the Israelites out of Egypt” (p. 150). God took initiative and called Moses to him and told Moses of his plans. Moses then worked towards fulfilling Gods wish with God helping and accompanying Moses along the way. If God were to speak of doing great actions but then never follow through, God would lose a sense of the divinity. Part of the divine identity is to have an unbreakable connection between the word of God and the presence of God. In order to fully trust in God’s word, God must be

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