
French Revolution Research Paper

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“Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” Voltaire could not have made this any more true. It is wonderfully important to appreciate France for various reasons. France’s culture, history, government and contributions to the world are excellent examples of things that should be appreciated. Culturally and historically speaking, France is among the most important nations in the Western World (France, Britannica). France has a vast history, and many significant things have happened throughout time. For example, toward the end of the 18th century (1787-1799), the French Revolution shook France (French Revolution, Britannica). Many revolutions had taken place, but this was by a good deal, one …show more content…

One thing that France contributed is La Mode; fashion. Fashion as we know it began in France during the 17th century in the courts of King Louis XIV (Transparent High sewing, or Haute Couture, became a symbol of important status and class amid aristocrats who spent great amounts of money on specially tailored clothing. Coordinated ensembles and design elements that had been founded in French courts enticed other courts in many different countries. Queen Marie Antoinette is considered to be the country's first fashionista ( Marie Antoinette was born in Vienna, Austria in 1755. Her father was the Holy Roman Emperor, Francis I. Her mother, Maria Theresa ruled the Habsburg Empire. Marie married the future King of France- Louis XVI when she was fifteen. She had a difficult marriage, but gave birth to three children- daughters Marie Therese and Sophie Helene Beatrix and sons Louis Josephson and Louis Charles (Marie Antoinette Biography, Biography Online). Then, during the French Revolution, France declared war on Austria. France was defeated and Marie because the reason to blame. She was imprisoned, convicted of treason, and executed by guillotine. Marie was courageous, even on the eve of her death she said to the priest, after being counseled about courage, "Courage? The moment when my ills are going to end is not the moment courage is going to fail …show more content…

He was born François-Marie Arouet in Paris, November 21, 1694. He was taught by the Jesuits and became fluent in Latin, Greek and all other major European Languages. Voltaire's father encouraged him to become a lawyer, however Voltaire was extremely interested in being a writer. He started writing criticisms of the church and state. He was exiled in 1726 from being involved in an argument with a French Nobleman. In 1744, Voltaire returned to Paris and began a relationship with his niece, Marie Louise Mignot and they remained together to death (Voltaire Biography, Biography Online). Voltaire revolutionized history. He avoided biases. He argued for education extension. He wrote many plays and poems and was a passionate critic of those in power who misused their power. Voltaire was a key figure of the

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