
Freight Vs Scripture

Decent Essays

FedEx Freight vs. Scripture: Putting people first.
FedEx Freight attempts to put people first by: Allowing the freedom to generate and express ideas; through providing the ability to hold management accountable; and by encouraging decision-making capability (Hess & Cameron, 2006, pp.29-54). These methods are encouraged within job structures while simultaneously providing the necessary resources the employees need to accomplish their assigned tasks. This process of putting people first is effective as long as it is a top-down approach. Leadership must show that these values are real by modeling a “do as I do” attitude instead of “do as I say.”
The Scriptures certainly teach people to put others first (KJV, Matt 7:12, Luke 6:31), and it encourages free thought within biblical parameters. FedEx is similar to the Bible methodology in that it encourages people to help others and build relationships; however, there is one major difference. All of the things that FedEx is attempting to do are things that upper management chose to do. Upper management chose the culture they thought was best and then they have spent the next several years forcing it on the entire organization. They failed to work as a cohesive unit and see what the people. This forced acceptance happens in many organizations. …show more content…

FedEx should have involved the employees in developing the values of the organization. Scholars call this concept employee engagement, and it is part of strategic management (Marcos & Solomon, 2010, p.1-89).
How can leaders help develop a culture of “putting people

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