
Freedom Vs. Enslavement

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The topic I chose to examine in this novel in freedom vs enslavement. I chose this topic because in the first two chapters it becomes evident that the people have no say in what they do, they are born with a specific purpose. The Hatcheries and the idea of scientifically creating a baby in a factory and conditioning them to act a certain way were introduced. The ten controllers have total freedom and rule the world, but people in the Gamma, Beta, Delta, and Epsilon castes are slaves of the controllers, conditioned into whatever person the controllers want or would benefit the economy. The Alphas have a bit of freedom because they were conditioned to have a higher intellect which makes it hard for them to accept all of the rules of society, but they were still made that way because the controllers wanted them to be. My tentative thesis is: Enslavement from the beginning of your existence creates an illusion of freedom. There are several supports for this thesis in the beginning of the novel when the Hatcheries are explained. Some embryos are conditioned by going through hot tunnels followed by cold tunnels paired with the discomfort of hard X-rays to ensure that they grow up hating the cold. These embryos are predestined to move to the tropics and work as miners or acetate silk spinners or steel workers. The Delta babies are conditioned with loud noises and …show more content…

Everyone in the novel so far seems pretty content with the way things work and they are conditioned to not rebel or question authority. I predict that there will be a person from the Alpha caste that will stand up though and question the controllers processes. Another challenge I may face is trying to follow and understand the society that they are living in where babies and embryos are produced in a factory and can be conditioned into whatever the controller

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