
Freedom In The Middle Ages Essay

Decent Essays

The Nature of Freedom during the Medieval Ages In this paper I argue that Freedom requires them to abide by the norms and morals of the society which dictates them to do. Since the dawn of time Man has pondered on the question of freedom, several questions have been asked throughout time such as what is it, how does one experience it, how does one attain it?, during the time of the Medieval Ages, at that time the Catholic Church held the great seat power of both parties, it was called Christendom, the happy marriage of the Church and State the doctrines of the Church greatly affected the rules and regulations of the government during that time they held the governance of the people, abuses of power were present, I would want to know what was their description of freedom, how …show more content…

In this argument I will be using St. Augustine’s philosophical outtake on freedom and some excerpts from John Scotus of Eriugena’s divisionares daturae; the argument begins with From the philosophical stand point of St. Augustine he argues that true freedom is only achieved only through a long process in which knowledge and will is healed by the grace of God, by this he proposes two truth this very nature; The first is that God is the cause of everything and Secondly we have the freedom of choice. The take of Eriugena calls from the second division of the divisionares naturae, the primordial causes specifically, Superfreedom by this he argues that our knowledge of freedom is limited and that man are just participants of this Superfreedom. Going back to the argument that “Freedom requires them to abide by the norms and morals of the society which dictates them to do” Does this mean that freedom can be only defined by means of authority and manipulation? How does St. Augustine view this issue on freedom? What is

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