
Free Will Vs. Determinism

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For centuries, there have been questions regarding free will and determinism. Free will is a human value that has inspired many individuals throughout history. These concepts of free will and determinism have inspired many poets, spiritualist, philosophers, and activist. There have been numerous philosophers who believe free will is a part of our human nature, and are continually questioning the concept of free will, constantly attempting to understand its ' true meaning. In contrast to free will, there is determinism, which seems to bring many conflicts when regarding free will.
The human behavior of free will has the tendency to be caused by the people who have engaged in their actions. Usually, people have control of their actions, or feel that we do. Typically, as humans, we are free to make our own choices. This freedom can be defined as having free will.
On the other hand, the concept behind determinism is that all events are determined due to prior or previous existing causes. In turn, it makes the concept of, "free will" impossible. A question in Philosophy Now magazine sparked up a great debate: Are the concepts of determinism when applied to the brain sciences logically compatible with free will? (Free Will).
The extent as to the relationship between free will and determinism is extremely difficult to answer. It is virtually impossible to understand the compatibility between the two concepts. For one to understand these concepts, an individual would have to

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