
Free College Admissions Essays: Bad Luck

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I have a record of having really bad luck. Seriously. Some of my incidents have included me (accidentally) putting two people in the ER on two separate occasions, getting stung by a scorpion, and having my hair catch on fire in a church. So I can’t really say I was surprised when I came down with a cold shortly before our trip. I arrived with my bag stuffed with different kinds of medicines: cough drops, sore throat medicine, vitamins, decongestant pills, and of course, DayQuil. Nevertheless, I had spent the first few days of the trip coughing and sniffling, and the cold, rainy weather of Holland didn’t quite help (although my host family informed me that at least I could experience typical Dutch weather!) Worse, I had developed a pretty …show more content…

I returned to school, where all the American students had to follow our Dutch partners around for the rest of the day. I recall attending an English class, a French class, and a maths class with my partner Eva. In English we looked at rhetorical devices, which is not something I am too familiar with myself, so it was interesting to learn something about my own language alongside non native speakers. Next was French, which I partly understood, since I have rather basic knowledge of French. Lastly, there was math. Math is my favorite subject, but in Holland I couldn’t understand a single thing not only because the class was entirely in Dutch, but also because the math was above my level. There were a few things I noticed that were different at their school. For one, they didn’t have laptops. However, many schools in America do not have laptops, and it’s possible that many schools in Holland do have laptops, but this is comparison of Stedelijk Dalton Lyceum and El Capitan High School, so I will only be comparing the difference between these schools. Another difference I observed was how much bigger their school was. Perhaps it’s because their school is indoors, whereas ours is outdoors, but to me, it felt easy to get lost in the different hallways. In fact, I did get lost in the school while returning from the bathroom! Luckily, after much wandering around, I made my way back to class. They also had three stories, as

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