Make America Great Again
Leaving the racism out, you should vote for Donald J. Trump. Yes, we know that he has been in the mouth of everyone because of his racism, but he truly loves this nation. Based on his answers to a few questions he has more great ideas than Hillary Clinton. That said, is more convenient for us as citizens of the United States to vote for Trump. There are five points that I will share with you that will convince you to vote for Trump. First, let’s talk about college. Hillary thinks that college tuition should be free. But, hey! “There is no such thing as free education,” said Trump. Trump thinks that college should be paid for, just that costs should be lowered. Come on, teachers won’t be working for free. Also, Hillary
Devos understands that even some of the most creative, influential, and clever minds do not get the chance to go to college or live out their dreams do to financial problems. Creating a free public secondary education, not only will decrease the amount of newly graduated college students trying to pay off copious amounts of debt but will also increase the amount of well educated, qualified employees entering the workforce. Many complain that “free college is not actually free.” Though this is true, Devos has already addressed this problem during her confirmation hearing. Devos stated, “there’s nothing in life that is truly free — somebody is going to pay for it.” She wants to work to minimally increase taxes as well as work with public colleges to spread out scholarships over all the students in order to provide them all with free education. Some worry that increasing the tax rate will lower the quality of life for most Americans, but this is highly unlikely to be the case. Looking at countries, such as Denmark, where taxes are higher, but socialistic services, such as college, are free can prove that this will increase the quality of life rather than decrease it. Danes are known to have a very high quality of life do to have little to no college loans which makes it easier for them to be able to afford things, such as houses and cars. All in all, Devos’s efforts to make college education
A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for free education, reasonably paying jobs, and universal healthcare. [I need to add another sentence right here]. There are many reasons why Bernie Sanders is the best candidate for president based on his policies on college, jobs, and healthcare.
“Make America Great Again.” These are the famous words President Donald Trump stated during his campaign in a successful attempt to gain votes. Likewise Kim Jong Un lies about his country being the top of the line and the best there is. Both powerful leaders utilize deceit and dishonesty to improve their social image. Yet, regardless of their claims, these two leaders haven't helped their respective nations so far; they only seem to care about reputation, similarly to Abigail Williams and Judge Danforth in The Crucible by Arthur Miller, all demonstrating that the authority of an individual does not make their word any more honest.
She believes that all students should have the opportunity to graduate from colleges in their state without racking up thousands and thousands of dollars in debt. She cites that families that have an income under $125,000 won’t pay for tuition in in-state colleges by 2021. While during her first term she pledges to make in-state public college free for families that make up to $85,000. Building on Obama’s plans, Clinton promises to make community colleges free of tuition. She believes that states need to “invest in higher education” while colleges should consistently be working to control tuition costs. She wants to give extra aid to historically black colleges as well as other institutions that aid minorities. In Clinton’s plan, no one will have to pay more than 10% of their income to student loan bills, after 20 years the debt is forgiven. Borrowers that are struggling will be given aid and Hillary wants to drastically cut interest rates for future borrowers and so that the government is never profiting from student loans. Clinton would like to simplify the process, and entice employers to help with student loan debt, while entrepreneurs should be allowed to defer their loans, and in certain circumstances the government should forgive up to $17,500 while they are in the process of risk taking. A big part of Clinton’s plan is just reducing penalties against borrowers and making refinancing simpler. Clinton plans to
Many answers that Hillary Clinton gave stood out to me but what caught my attention and kept it was her plan for tuition-free college for working families, “I've heard from so many of you about the difficult choices you face and the stresses that you're under. So let's have paid family leave, earned sick days let's be sure we have affordable childcare and debt-free college.” said Hillary Clinton on This caught my attention because many families struggle to further their children’s education upon graduation of high school. At the moment being that college tuition does cost a lot, even if you are awarded a scholarship, some teens don’t further their education because of the fact some of their families don’t have the means to pay for it. Without a college degree it can be hard to find a decent job that pays enough, but with tuition-free college we would have more high school graduates furthering their education and less people making minimum wage trying to make a living
Is America dead? In my humble opinion, the answer is no. You see America was built upon dreams and ideas and still is, in which were manifested among a small group of men who decided to proclaim a nation in which no one and no religion can be discriminated. This is why the constitution is always up for debate because it's so vague in it's meaning, You and I can have different interpretations on some parts, which then arises an ideology in which you firmly believe and I firmly believe in, this key factor here is what makes democracy so great. America will be this way, there is no one man or group who will change it as long as there are people willing to voice there opinions and ideas, free speech is the greatest
Due to events in the recent past, I have become aware that America’s government is definitely not as strong or as well run as it used to be. While I believe that the government may still be here in 2215, the future does not look so bright for us.
"I would put forward a comprehensive health care program and fund it with an increase in corporate taxes.”
Matt Mendoza believes in immigration reform, but we must put into place a firm foundation to build upon, a foundation that is rock solid in protecting America’s borders and its citizens by forcing Washington to fulfill its Constitutional duty of enforcing the laws we already have in place.
What would life in America be like with no guns to protect our freedom and our citizens, get food, and go hunting with our family? Without guns we would not be America because Britain would still conquer America. Without guns would our history will be the same? The right to bear arms is in the Second Amendment, and bear arms are also called guns. The right to bear arms is very important because we spend time with family hunting, get food, and protect ourselves and our family with guns.
In my opinion no. Having apparently realized that this country is bankrupt, President Obama recently proposed cutting deficit spending by $1.1 trillion over the next ten years. Some people were impressed. Some people complained it was too much. After all, $1.1 trillion looks like a big pile of money. The president’s proposal, is only symbolic. It is only meant for show. During the ten years the federal government will spend over $40 trillion. Meaning that what the president is proposing will go down hill. The Party of Big Government is not going to have any of it. The Republicans and Democrats will in the end agree to spend even more, which means we are going to crash.
My grandfather has always said if the people do not vote than it is unacceptable for them to complain about our government. Growing up with the belief of voting makes me willingly involved in politics and eager to fulfill my responsibility as an American citizen. However, my grandfather did not pass on any type of advice when coming to an election with two repulsive candidates. Our country is stuck between two unpleasant options and the only thing we can do is pick the less of the two evils.
The Trump Administration has put forth a policy change limiting the right of women to obtain birth control based upon religious freedom grounds. So basically, insurance companies or employers do not have to cover birth control but at the same time it causes problems because just because someone is taking birth control does not necessarily mean that they are sexually active. One could take it for health reasons such as ovarian cyst or menstrual hemorrhaging. There’s a lot of cons about this argument because quite frankly it is no ones’ business what a woman chooses to do with her body. If it has something to do with religion then Trump should band Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs too.
Immigration reform in the U.S. is at the forefront of American policy and news. In the U.S., a country effectively founded by immigrants, immigration and immigration policy are extremely politicized and dividing topics. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has been the most recent target of reform for the Trump administration. DACA was originally created as an executive order by President Obama in order to protect illegal immigrants who entered the U.S. as children, were educated or are receiving education in the U.S., and work or are seeking work in the U.S.. DACA’s protection was that it delayed deportation for these individuals, commonly referred to as Dreamers. According to VOX writer Dara Lind, the program protects
Immigration is currently a hot topic within in the United States government. Currently the United States Congress is fighting to decide the fate of the Dreamers, and the Immigration bill DACA. Like many controversial issues within the government, the Democrats and Republicans are in a disagreement on what to do. Each article, examines a different take on the current immigration reform. Bier’s main argument is that individuals who are contributing to immigration reform are ignorant, that Immigrants are not hurting the American Labor market. The next article, I examined, was written by Eric Cantor; Cantor states that although the parties each have a high stake on the decision Congress makes on DACA, there must be a decision otherwise, the law will remain status quo. Next, we look at Gessen’s article, the main argument is that immigrants should not be looked at valuable or illegal, they should not have to be talented in order to be welcome within the United States. Lastly, Vargas, an undocumented Immigrant, discusses the difficulties of being illegal within the United States, yet still shines light on the positive influences he had throughout his childhood and time in America.