
Frederick Douglass Rhetorical Devices

Decent Essays

Fredrick Douglass uses complex syntax and vivid imagery to convey the struggles of the American slave to the American public and law makers. Douglass uses his public platform to raise awareness about issues American slaves face every day to create strong emotions and reactions in the public. The strong language and rhetorical elements create a power and controversial piece over the right of the American slave. A specific rhetorical device that Douglass encompasses in his piece is the element of rhetorical questions. Throughout the entire piece, he uses the specific technique to make his audience of lawmakers stop and question their beliefs. Rhetorical questions evoke emotional reactions and is an effect way to make people of opposing views …show more content…

In countless moments in his speech Douglass calls out America directly and questions her authority. A prime example is him using the celebration of the Fourth of July to call out the promised political freedoms and natural justices. He wants to call out the country on its core fundamental believes and logically prove the great moral injustice that is happening just because of the existence of slavery. One of his most purposeful techniques is to create an extremely controversial idea that will gain attention. The more people question or consider his argument the more people hear about it and in turn continue the conversation of his ideas. Another way that Douglass logical challenges his audience of lawmakers is through giving examples of all the jobs slaves can do just as well as the common man. He wants to question the fundamental theory of what makes a man a man. He demonstrates the worthiness of slaves and concludes that humanity has created the idea of being superior, not nature. Douglass efficiently portrays his argument about the role of the American slave through logical

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