
Frederich Hans Jost: A Foreign Soldier's American Experience

Decent Essays

A Foreign Soldier’s American Experience ========= Frederich Hans Jost is an interesting man. He came to the United States after World War II, following his work for the UN where he was a guard during the Nuremberg trials. He occupied an interesting period of US military history. But Fred originally is from Latvia, which is on the shores of the Baltic Sea in Europe. As a youth in Latvia who had left the country and his position in the Russian Army, that is, after Russia had invaded Latvia and seized control of the nation, Frederick Hans made it to Britain. Through there, he became enlisted in the United Nations, that is, before coming to the US to escape the influences of both the Germans and the Russians. I asked Frederick what America meant to him. I also learned of his changing views of the United States. But Fred’s reasons for coming to America are in some ways similar to why many other people have come to America; whether as refugees or as people discontent with their government’s way of handling things. Social and political independence were the things that Frederich Hans wanted. It would make sense why he came to America, which is a place informed by the same desires. …show more content…

2) notes how the british colonists coming to America were seeking religious freedom, that is, for their own sake (See Foner, Ch. 3 lecture). There were things such as the salem witch trials, or other acts of persecution, until after the victory of the Americans in the revolutionary war. Many immigrants came to the united states to fulfill the labor demands of American industries (Ch. 9). But did Frederich Hans find these desires fulfilled in America? Did he realize the American Dream? What were their preconceived notions of America? Did he find the sort of independence he was looking for, within another

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