
Fred Jones Case Summary

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In the same month, Fred was accused of robbing an ice cream vendor and passing out the ice cream to the kids in Maywood. The police showed the victim a picture of Fred, who then claimed that Fred was the culprit. Fred denied the accusation, and was represented by Jean Williams, who was an attorney he met during Dr. Kings Marches. The case was clearly a set up orchestrated by the Cook County state’s attorney Edward Hanrahan, who wanted Fred behind bars. Despite, the fact that there were no injuries and little loss financial lost, the prosecution paid to have the victim flow back from Vietnam to testify. The Maywood board and community activist supported Fred and held mock trials to help prepare him for the real trial. The official Judge for Fred’s case was Sidney Jones, a black democrat. Judge Jones intended to grant Fred probation because he had no criminal record and there were no weapons involved with the incident. However, Hanrahan persisted, by publically criticizing Judge Jones and demonizing Fred Hampton and the Black Panther Party. As a result, Fred was sentenced to Menard Prison …show more content…

They worked meticulously and successfully got an appeal for Fred, who was released on August 13, 1969. Despite warning from his close friend and colleagues Fred moved into the city with Deborah Johnson who was pregnant with his child at the time. Now Fred was closer to the panther’s headquarters, the police, and the FBI who wanted him dead or in jail. This was perhaps Fred’s fatal mistake. On 4 December 1969, at the ripe age of 21 Fred Hampton was assassinated by police officers. The official reports filled by the officers, described a fierce shootout while, ballistics showed that 99% of the gunfire came from the officers. The police were under the direction Edward Hanrahan who utilized information, that the FBI gather from a panther mole, William O’Neal, third in command of the Chicago

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