
Freak The Mighty Max Kane Quotes

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Freak The Mighty Essay It can be very easy to judge someone based on their appearance. During spring break, I had met another member of my family I didn’t know about and to me she looked like she was mean and selfish. We began to hang out more and I started realizing that she was very kind and not mean or selfish. She didn’t only care about herself and I was glad that I met her. She was funny and we all hung out together with my family and played games and looked at rocks on the beach at night. I got to know so much about her that were interesting. Therefore, Rodman Philbrick wrote the book “Freak The Mighty” so that we could learn that looking at somebody doesn’t show who they actually are. The character of Max Kane is first described …show more content…

If we were to judge him solely on his appearance, we might assume that he is scared and not smart. In fact, when we first see him, he stands up for himself and speaks loudly just like when he see’s Max watching him trying to get his ornithopter. This shows that he is tough and smart. Kevin also will talk to people with big words that a lot of people don’t know, he makes jokes most of the time, and he will go on an adventure with Max. This shows that Kevin is funny and has an imagination. However, later we see him lie to Max that he is going to get a new body so that Max won’t be sad that he was gonna die soon. This refutes our initial judgement by showing that Kevin is funny, outstanding, smart, very kind, has an imagination, and will be happy all the …show more content…

If we were to judge her solely on her appearance, we might assume she is angry and crazy. In fact, when we first see her, she is smoking a cigarette and teasing Kevin and Max. This shows that she is bad and mean. Loretta also keeps talking even though Iggy Lee would tell her to be quiet a lot of times and she would say that they could have fun with Kevin and Max by beating them up and seeing how tough Max really is. This shows that Loretta talks a lot and doesn’t care what Iggy tells her to do. However, we later see her sneak into the house to help max get untied from the rope because she says that a father shouldn’t do that to their kid. This shows that Loretta is helpful and she

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