
Fraud Friendship Dbq

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The Truth Behind a Fraud Friendship The age of the new beginnings takes place during a time of discovery and colonization. At this time 102 European colonist set up a colony in New England, Massachusetts in 1620. There they will have many fascinating encounters with, a friend and a potential foe, a Native American tribe called the Wampanoag. They were believed to have a trustful relationship with one another but where did their friendship go so wrong? Their friendship came to an end since the Europeans took advantage of the Wampanoag, they had rules to their friendship, and they established an unfair legal system. Although they trusted one another the Europeans took advantage of the Wampanoag any chance they got. In Document E, the Europeans …show more content…

This treaty might have been a promise of a reasonable friendship but a true friendship is not made by rules. Document C it states, ¨ III. That if anything were taken away from any of theirs, he should cause it to be restored; and they should do the like to his.¨ This is telling us that if they steal from each other the must restore what they have stolen and they will get stolen from as well. But in Document E ¨ the English made them drunk and then cheated them in bargains … with land… value.¨ It also states, ¨ He constrained other Indians from wronging the English...¨ These two piece of evidence disprove rule number three of the treaty, ¨ That if anything were taken away from any of theirs, he should cause it to be restored; and they should do the like to his.¨ This is not the case since, the English stole their land in bad bargains and the Indians were not able to wrong them for this. Although this breaks the rules of their friendship they also had an unfair legal …show more content…

In Document E Metacom, a Wampanoag leader, states,” And another grievance was is 20 of their honest Indians testified that an Englishman had done them wrong it was as nothing; and if but one their worst Indians testified against any Indian or their king when it pleased the English, that was sufficient.” This is bias since 20 honest Indians bestowed a testimony how an Englishman had wrong them yet the English dismissed this as if it was nothing. And when the Indians were testified the English did not dismiss this and it was sufficient towards them. This clearly states that the legal system was unfair to the Wampanoag and only pleased the Europeans. Also in Document C rule six of the treaty states, “VI. That when their men came to them, they should leave their bows and arrows behind them.” This unfair towards the Wampanoag since it only specifies their weapons and not the European’s weapons. This is also unfair towards the Wampanoag since they had handcrafted weapons like spears, knives, and bows and arrows; while the Europeans had gun powered mechanism. This is way their unfair legal system only pleased the Europeans and not the Wampanoag; ergo Why did the Pilgrim Wampanoag friendship go so

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