
Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis Response

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Metamorphosis There was a lot of stuff that was unnecessary in Metamorphosis. If i was Gregor i would've escaped Or tell the sister or mother to set me free. But since i don't know how to live as a bug i probably wouldn’t want to be set free. I would have the family take on different responsibilities for Gregor. I would also have Gregor tell his family that he was cursed or something.

When Gregor woke up as a vermin he should have learned how to use his new body.Than once he figured it out than he should have told everyone he isn't doing well at all and to have only my family come in the room. He wouldn't lie to them either so he can just stay in my room. Than he should of told the sister to do research about what bugs eat. Than i would ask my family to please lie for me to the boss and just do the work themselves. (paragraphs 1 2 3 4 part 1) …show more content…

After the boss left Gregor should have told his family to get the locksmith or key. After that he should tell the maid that she is fired so they can take care of Gregor. Than Gregor should have gotten something to eat from the research he got from his sister so he won't starve. Gregor should of also told his Dad he was the bug. (paragraphs 5 6 7 8 part 1)

When Gregor's dad was being hostile he should have ran to his mom or sister.
The whole family should have been more nicer and take on responsibilities for Gregor.
Gregor should have also asked for more food when he was hungry. Gregor should have also have them take him outside for fresh air sometimes. Than Gregor should have rested more when he was hurt (paragraphs 9 10 11 12 part 1

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