
Frankenstein's Creation Essay : The Creation In Frankenstein

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The Creation in Frankenstein did not owe Victor anything. Victor did the monster wrong by creating him in the first place. The monster went through so many hardships by being an outcast and a looser. But to top it all off he felt abandoned and lost because when his creator first saw him he freaked out and ran away and locked himself in his room. So the Creations reasons were justified because he felt abandoned by his creator, alone or an outcast, and was given nothing to help him survive or enjoy life. In the beginning of the book Victor becomes so excited and he in a way gets something like tunnel vision and doesn't really see clearly what he is doing and creating. Victor gets body parts and puts them together but doesn't realize that the Creation is actually really disgusting and ugly. When Victor finally gets everything he needs to make the Creation he has gained a god complex and i think the reason for creating this Creation is because of all the philosophers he has read about and he wants to be just like them. Victor gives the Creation life and he finally realizes that he made a mistake when the Creation is alive. Victor was horrified and disgusted by what he saw that he had created. He was so disgusted that he ran away and locked himself in his room. This would make anyone feel sad and terrible about themselves so the Creation had to of felt abandoned by his creator when Victor ran away and didn't come back to see him. In the story there was tons of times when the

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