
Frankenstein Alternate Ending

Decent Essays

I glanced up at the clock. It was 12:18. Mrs. Ewert exclaimed, “One or two problems guys.” My heart sunk to my toe. I had langage arts next. Mrs. Berntson was coming back to school after her son went missing. My friends say that she is seeking revenge and locking up kids. I tried not to think about it and did a math problem, I knew they were exaggerating. The bell rang and Mrs. Ewert excused the class. I slowly walked down the crowded hallway. I turned the corner and could see her crusty, burnt door. Now I could believe my friends, Mrs. Berntson has gone crazy! I looked across the hallway and could see my friend, Will. You could tell by his face that he was scared to go in. “We can’t just stand here and expect not to get in trouble,” I murmured to Will. Will shrugged and …show more content…

The light just attracted me like a magnet. Watching it very closely, It swam downwards. It disappeared under the large coral ahead of me. I flapped my flippers as fast as I possibly could trying to get to it before it disappeared. When I got there I weaved through the holes in the coral looking for the creature. In the middle of the coral, holely structure there sat a deep cave. I am talking bottomless. This cave would have been completely dark, but there swam the flickering light. I wasn’t sure if I should go down, but my curiosity made my body push forward. I slowly swam down the midnight, spooky, bottomless cave. I scavenged thru my suit for a flashlight. I pulled out a small knife, an extra pair of goggles and a underwater camera, but no flashlight. I checked out my pair of goggles to see if it had a headlight built into it, but it didn’t. I glared down at the extra pair of goggles. This one had a headlight built into it. I pressed the button on the side hoping it would turn on. Light shot out of it blinding me. I shined it down the cave to see a two way in the cave. I decided to turn the light off so I could see the

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