
Frances Jensen The Teenage Brain Analysis

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Im sure you’ve heard a teenager say “I only get _hours of sleep and i'm fine” However, in the book The Teenage Brain, Frances Jensen shares her research about how many hours of sleep a teenager should get at night and the main causes of sleep deprivation. Teenagers need to be informed that Sleep deprivation among all ages can have a major impact on the actions and lives of people especially teenagers because their brains are developing at such a fast pace.This finding challenges the belief that it’s only a short term effect, like you’ll only be affected the morning ahead. As a result that's why most teenagers grow up to have long term problems or are always stressed. As a result teenagers are said to need much more sleep than those around them. On page 89, Jensen herself states, “Because so much is going on in adolescents’ brains,and they are learning so much at such a fast pace, teenager need more sleep than either their parents or their much younger siblings.” In other words, Jensen believes that even at the end of the day it bedtime isn't just a way to relax the body and recoup after a long hard day it is the adhesive that allows to remember our experiences from the day but also everything we have learned that day as well. Of course, many will probably disagree with this assertion that there is a legit reason why these things happen to adolescents and they will probably stick to their belief of what happens. …show more content…

In her book, The Teenage Brain, Jensen maintains that “Scientist have calculated that the average adolescent actually requires nine and a quarter hours of sleep. Only about 15 percent of all American teenagers actually get that much sleep on a regular basis.”pg.89. Jensen is insisting that most teenagers don't get nearly as much sleep at as they should and it is costly, and it’s not always the teenagers fault either, it's the lack of knowledge on the

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