
Framing Muslim Women

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These are just a few of the conditions imposed on Muslim women. What is potentially even more harmful is Islam’s obsession with (female) sexual morality."(Pg no 62)
Peter Morey and Amina yaqin in their book Framing Muslims also have pointed out the ways by which Muslims are being sterotyped.
Ahmed,Sidrah(2014) in his research paper tries to investigate the representation of muslim women's rights and integration by swestern media.Spencer,R and Chesler,P in their book remarked that in Islam the custom of Female genital mutilation,wife beating,child and arranged marriage ,polygamy,purdah,easy divorce for men,female sexual and domestic slavery,veiling,routine rape and gang rape and honor killing are more common then all other religions of the …show more content…

Its there since the crusades but after 9/11 this stereotyping has increased. These stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam are due to the media, prejudice, and ignorance. Islam is considered as an "extremist" or "terrorist" religion.The reports against Islam are due to ignorance and lack of knowledge.In contrast to what the media portrays, Islam is a peaceful religion, which does not promote violence or terrorism.
Ridouani,D(2011) in a research publication outlined the ways in which Muslims and Arabs are conceptualized by the western media with a drastic effect on its people.As she points out"
The main concern will focus on the analysis of the distorted images, fabricated views, overgeneralization which typically characterize the Western representation of Muslims with reference to some particular incidents chiefly the Gulf War, the bombing of Oklahoma and the bombardment of Twin Towers.
She carried out research on different movies,articles,books and cartoons and then concluded that
Hoodfar,H in her research article also tries to investigate that in West Muslim women are always sterotyped and marginalized with veiling,although its not a reliougious practice.She concludes it as a cultural practise which was coomon in many parts of the world since centuries like Byzantia and Greeck.She called it a colonial

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