
Frame Narrative

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The way in which a story is organized or complied adds to the ideas, themes, and character of the story. A frame narrative is a way in which a story is told were a main story leads reader into other stories within. Essentially a frame narrative is a story within another story. As in the story One Thousand and One Night the frame narrative is used to tell many different stories within the main story. Although the stories in One Thousand and One Nights are separate from the main story the stories are still relative to the main idea. In One Thousand and One Night the separate stories within are used to delay execution of one of the main characters. In the story of Canterbury tales the frame narrative is used to pass the time of a long journey …show more content…

King Shahrayar is persuaded by the frame narrative, or the stories with One Thousand and One Nights, to revaluate his morals and unjust killing of dozens of innocent women. Just as in One Thousand and One Nights the Canterbury tales also uses a frame narrative to add to the central ideas and message of the story. The Canterbury tales examines a group of people who are making a pilgrimage to Canterbury. The journey is quite a long one and it is suggested by the host that they each tell stories to pass the time of their long journey. So each member of the group begins to tell a separate story which is indicative of the frame narrative. Although, each stories differ from one another they all add in some way to the overall story of Canterbury Tales. Some stories such as the Night’s Tale are about great valor and chivalry, while other are less serious and more satirical. Here this quote is expressing what the travelers will do along their journey to pass the time as said by the host: Each one of you, to make our journey short, Shall tell two stories, as we ride, I mean, Toward Canterbury; and coming home again Shall tell two other tales he may have heard Of happenings that some time have occurred (2066). Also, since they will be all together for such a long journey it is nice that they get to know one another more personally. This also adds to the overall idea of the story. The frame narratives or stories within each tell

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