
Fracking: A Polanyian Analysis

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In Canada, concerns over fracking is uneven across the country: some provinces ban it altogether while others support the practice, particularly Western Canada where there is “greater public tolerance of large energy projects in general.” Nevertheless, there is resistance and one of the significant examples is the recently decided Supreme Court case, originally launched by Jessica Ernst in 2007 against oil and energy firm Encana Corp, the Energy Resources Conservation Board, and Alberta Environment, under the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER). A decade long process started when Encana intentionally fracked near her home and contaminated the water with dangerous levels of methane and other toxins. Ernst pushed her case to the Supreme Court to raise the …show more content…

With this struggle between the interest of society against a business and by extension the state, a Polanyian analysis would consequently reveal the underlying factors that explain the persistence of the overriding interest of capitalism. To begin, Polanyi states that “the commodification of land, labour and money poses a moral threat to nature, human beings, and business respectively, inevitable generating grievances, resistance and the ensuing imperative of protection”. It is consequently unsurprising that fracking unfolds a discourse regarding the commodification of land and water for profit, and arguably a threat to not just nature and human beings, but the health and survival of the planet and its resources overall, given the precarious relationship between Earth’s climate and the energy industry. Moreover, the basis of Polanyian theory lies in the assumption that the state

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