
Fr. Greg Boyle's Ministry Summary

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Fr. Greg Boyle started a ministry called HomeBoy Industries where he helps former gang members adjust from when they are released from prison, establish a stable/steady life and keep them from taking part in gangs again by creating jobs for them. Fr. Boyle’s ministry carries forth the Ignatian maxim to seek the greater glory of God by finding God in all things and embodies Stein’s insight on empathetic love and suffering in the the human community. The video about Fr. Boyle and the HomeBoy industries covers about how and why the ministry got created in the first place. He said, “people join a gang because they are fleeing from something horrendous not seeking something.” His ministry seeks the greater glory of God by finding God in all things because he was able to make something good out of something bad (gangs). Finding God in all things comes from being aware that God can be seen in everyone and everywhere even in the worst places in the United States. The greater glory of God can be achieved through devoting more attention towards God and when that is achieved we (gang members) become grateful, willing to change, and in love with God. Even though the gang members have committed evil acts in the past, the ministry looks past that and sees that change can happen with …show more content…

Boyle had several good responses to the questions posed to him. He said that healing is much more needed as well as the fact that people need a reason to wake up in the morning and somewhere to go rather then get back on the street. Another point that he made that proves how he was able to find God in all things is that he said that unless people have a “foundational, fundamental healing then it is going to be quite difficult to navigate their lives.” The gang members need to “come to terms with whatever suffering they have been through” and doing this will allow them to glorify

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