Fr. Greg Boyle started a ministry called HomeBoy Industries where he helps former gang members adjust from when they are released from prison, establish a stable/steady life and keep them from taking part in gangs again by creating jobs for them. Fr. Boyle’s ministry carries forth the Ignatian maxim to seek the greater glory of God by finding God in all things and embodies Stein’s insight on empathetic love and suffering in the the human community. The video about Fr. Boyle and the HomeBoy industries covers about how and why the ministry got created in the first place. He said, “people join a gang because they are fleeing from something horrendous not seeking something.” His ministry seeks the greater glory of God by finding God in all things because he was able to make something good out of something bad (gangs). Finding God in all things comes from being aware that God can be seen in everyone and everywhere even in the worst places in the United States. The greater glory of God can be achieved through devoting more attention towards God and when that is achieved we (gang members) become grateful, willing to change, and in love with God. Even though the gang members have committed evil acts in the past, the ministry looks past that and sees that change can happen with …show more content…
Boyle had several good responses to the questions posed to him. He said that healing is much more needed as well as the fact that people need a reason to wake up in the morning and somewhere to go rather then get back on the street. Another point that he made that proves how he was able to find God in all things is that he said that unless people have a “foundational, fundamental healing then it is going to be quite difficult to navigate their lives.” The gang members need to “come to terms with whatever suffering they have been through” and doing this will allow them to glorify
Prior to being assigned the reading of the memoir “Always Running”, by Luis Rodriguez, I had never given much thought on juveniles involved in gang life. Rodriguez achieved success as an award-winning poet; sure the streets would no longer haunt him - until his own son joined a gang. Rodriguez fought for his child by telling his own story in the vivid memoir, “Always Running.” “Always Running” is the compilation of events Luis experienced during his youth in San Gabriel. The theme of the book is to always strive for the best things in life and to always take a stand for what you believe. Lured by the seemingly invincible gang culture of East L.A., he witnessed countless shootings and beatings, as well as senseless acts of street crime against his friends and family members. As a Latino in a poor neighborhood, Luis struggled through criticism, stereotypes, and mistreatment. With the help of his mentor, Chente, Luis saw a way out through education and the power of word to successfully break free from years of violence and desperation.
Joseph Francis Girzone is a priest. Advised by his doctor to withdraw from administrative work, he immediately set about a new career as a writer and philosopher. Though only 54 years old at the time he wrote the book, his experience as a priest had been unusual. He worked with teenage gangs in New York, and in the local mining area of Pennsylvania. He taught in schools most of his life, and worked in parishes at the same time. He was chairman of a government human rights commission which settled a jail riot and mediated racial tensions in public schools. On numerous occasions, he was called upon to negotiate in prison disturbances.
Situated predominantly in urban areas, gangs are becoming a major problem in today's society. The youth and adults are turning into gang members often times to leave behind the current situation they are living now. Many people who aren't familiar or affiliated with gang members are known to be curious as to why it is that the youth and adults join a gang. Some answers might be the current situation, obtaining social status, sense of protection, amongst other personal reasons. Everyone who joins a gang has different situations about why they decide to associate with gang members. In the novel, G-Dog and the Homeboys by Celeste Fremon, focuses on the gang members about East Los Angeles. This book draws the attention on the youth residing within the East Los Angeles territory and a look at the East Los Angeles gang members and how they play a major role in the book as one of the Latino gangs in East Los Angeles.
• Ray Stark and Boyle work together to create the Homeboy Industries, nonprofit to employ gang members
James Baldwin’s short story, “Sonny’s Blues”, revolves around two adult brothers and their different approaches to life originating from the same roots and shared childhood experiences. Both brothers undergo much suffering, and much of the story describes their different attempts to coping with their depressing lives and achieving redemption. Baldwin has written many short stories and before his career as a writer he was a preacher, his religious background has certainly transferred onto his short stories. The story “Sonny’s Blues”, makes use of biblical symbolism throughout the story to further support the central themes of Suffering and Redemption that the author conveys.
have a book titled "The Little Minister" written by J.M. Barrie and published by Grosset & Dunlap.
As horrible as gangs are, gang members themselves believe that they are beneficial to inner-city society. A former Gangster Disciple, for example, maintains that gang life taught him a lot: "I grew up without a father and I turned to my Disciple brothaz for love. They knew exactly how to treat a brotha and were always there for me, through thick and thin" (Douglas 162).
Often harassed and mocked by the neighborhood children, and loathed by society’s adults, Lovienthal on any other Friday morning would find himself with no good reason to even get out of bed, and thereby usually electing to sleep in and nurse his hangover. But, this Friday is like no other because today’s the day Lovienthal stop working for the man and starts working for him. He has decided to become an entrepreneur and start the Lovienthal Montague Spiritual Detective Agency, which its mission statement is to teach people long caught up in society’s rat race how to become righteous again. Only Lovienthal’s first day on the job doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Keith was a Lutheran minister at St. Marks's Church in Topeka, Kansas. He was 35 years old and has been married to his wife Dana for 10 years. He had three sons. He had never left the Midwest for long and came from a long line of Lutheran ministers in the same region. The book never gave any physical traits despite his role as a main character. As a Lutheran minister, Keith received many people in need of spiritual and ethical advice. Keith always answered as honestly as he can with truly heartfelt answers. The story begins with Keith in his office, being approached by Travis Boyette who wanted to know if he could be pardoned of his many atrocious sins and achieved the salvation of heaven. Keith asked what the circumstances were and Travis
After becoming a priest, Father Greg worked closely with others in trying to resolve the issue of the escalating youth involvement in gangs. As a solution, Father Greg created the organization that would eventually become Homeboy Industries. The organization was created in 1988 and was named “Jobs for a Future,”
First, in 2006, Robert Schuller announced thats he is going to retire as a senior pastor, and his son, Robert Anthony Schuller, is the new leadership of the congregation. However, two years later, Robert Schuller, the father, announced the removal of his son. He said in his statement, “It is no secret to any of you that my son, Robert, and I have been struggling as we each have different ideas as to the direction and the vision for this ministry,... For this lack of shared vision and the jeopardy in which this is placing this entire ministry, it has become necessary for Robert and me to part ways.". A year later his oldest daughter, Sheila Schuller Coleman, became the new leader for the ministry.
The beginning of James Frey’s rehabilitation journey began when he was twenty three. His family brought him to one of the best treatment facilities in the world (Frey, 2003). This was only after he was put on a plan with no recollection of how he came to be the bloody mess that he was and how he got to the plan. He knows that if he does not except help now that there might be a real chance that he may not live much longer. This is because he can no longer control his abusive tendencies (Frey, 2003).
Chaplains face a range of danger from contraband concerns, to violence from local gangs that can cause major disturbances. The focal point of a Chaplain’s work is engrained in a deep understanding of the different religion practices with in that prison.
I think that Las Casas’s intention was one relating to his ideals as a true Catholic Priest. He had hoped to free the Indians from the injustice he saw before him and to save them the mistreatment given by the Spaniards. Although Las Casa had been involved in the exploitation of the Indian labor he freed his Indian slaves in 1514 and became one of the major voices against the Spanish atrocities committed against the native peoples of the Americas. This shows his compassion and empathy, Christian principles taught by Jesus Christ. Las Casa chose to follow his true Christian values in a time and setting when his home country and its entire government chose to enslave and exploit an entire race of people under their Christian façade. Although
A gang is an organized group with a recognized leader whose activities are either criminal or, at the very least, threatening to the community. (Walker, 2011) Throughout history there have been some infamous gangs that have gotten media attention and others that have gone under the radar. One of the more underground gang structures are prison gangs. The Nuestra Familia may not be in the news as much anymore compared to other gangs, but they are nothing to be taken lightly. Prison gangs have been around since the late 20th century and only seem to be getting stronger if nothing is going to be done to prevent them. Gangs in prison have members in and out of prison. One of the more popular gangs that has been gaining steam recently is