
Fourth Wall

Decent Essays

It is interesting to think about the relationship between the audience and the performance/performer when it comes to watching a play. The borderline of what the audience is supposed to do and not do when watching a performance it depends on the type of the theater that spectator is watching. It is why some theaters establish a fourth wall, in order to show that the borderline between the audience and the performance and it is a borderline that helps to isolate the audience from the performance/performer. However, the idea of a fourth wall does not fulfill every spectator’s expectation of enjoying a performance in the theater. Therefore, there are different types of ways to approach theater. Three Dramatic theorists that reveal different visions in regard to the relationship between the audience and the performance are Emile Zola, Bertolt Brecht and Augusto Boal. In …show more content…

Those approaches could be through Zola’s naturalism isolating the audience from the performance with the use of a fourth wall. Brecht’s believe of alienation between the performer and performance, but not from the audience. Boal’s invisible theater in which the fourth wall is banished and the audience is as equal as the performers in the performance. Some spectators that are less introvert might believe that a fourth wall is a great idea for preventing them to interact with other people. Others, like me, love the idea of invisible theater and make the audience just as much of important as the performers in the performance. However, I totally believe that the audience is important and with no audience there’s not theater. I agree with the idea of including audience to the performance and making them feel that they are part of the world of the performance. But it is why they're different type of theater for different point of views and different ways in how people like to explore and discover a

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