
Fourteenth Amendment Taking Of Real Property

Decent Essays

Fourteenth Amendment Taking of real property 19) The Plaintiff became a State employee on January 2, 2005 with the State of Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ) as Senior Environmental Analyst, and a permanent State employee on January 2, 2006. The Plaintiff then had a constitutional property right in the employment. The employment contract requires specific compliance and following those requirements is prescribed by due process of law. When those processes are deviated from the Plaintiff has his Constitutional rights violated. 20) The Defendant could not terminate Plaintiff for expressing his concern regarding the ethics of the culture of corruption which should be protected by the Plaintiffs ' First Amendment right. …show more content…

On June 22, 2007, Plaintiff filed a timely appeal of the dismissal with the Wyoming Office of Administration and Information. A hearing was held on January 7 and 8, 2008. At the hearing Bob Doctor lied under oath regarding material facts of the case. On February 7, 2008, Plaintiff was ordered reinstated and the dismissal of June 5, 2007 was reversed, which entitled Plaintiff to back pay, fees, and costs, and reinstated the property right to his job. 25) When Plaintiff attempted to return to work in accordance with the order of the Office of Administration and Information, Plaintiff was sworn at, ordered off public property. 26) Defendant attempted to have Plaintiff put on unpaid leave, but the OAH denied the request. 27) The contract now allows the Defendant to have Plaintiff on paid administrative leave for 30 days. Section 15. Administrative Review Leave. (a) An agency head may place an employee on administrative review leave with pay for a maximum of thirty (30) days when: 28) The Plaintiff was on paid Administrative leave for over 6 months. Which was damaging his career and relationship with his children. 29) Plaintiff was order to be ready to come to work with 24 hour notice. This gave the Defendant no opportunity to see the Plaintiffs minor child. Children need fathers. 30) Plaintiff requested a break to visit his

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