
Four Way Test

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In the nursing field, it is not an easy profession to acquire. Nursing requires a lot of personal commitment and time. Patient always comes first and nurses are put in stressful situation in a little amount of time. Nurses are anticipated to know the right measures to be said and done for the patient. Therefore, the “Four- Way Test” is crucial in the nursing profession and a guidance to maintain morality.
The “Four-Way Test” goes hand in hand with the nursing field because of the characteristic as a nurse. I found that the nurse’s characteristic, which is integrity, fair-mindedness, insight into egocentricity, and perseverance is suitable with the “Four-Way Test”. With the “Four-Way Test”, I believe it will enforce critical thinking skills to bypass the common nursing’s mistake. …show more content…

Here, the question is asking about honesty and being authentic, regardless of whoever is watching you. Nurse incorporates integrity in everything they do. It is being honest and telling the truth to build the best possible outcomes. So, it is important that nurse carry that integrity characteristic. If you don’t build that trust with a patient, then patient shut down nursing intervention.
Next, the question asked, “Is it FAIR to all concerned?”. Fair is crucial in the nursing profession. Nurse must obtain the characteristic of fair-mindedness towards patients and patient’s family without being influence by personal bias. One patient is no better than the other patient, unless one patient is facing a life-threatening crisis. When the nurse has a clear thinking and view the opposing side, nursing intervention is carefully manage. Patient won’t feel neglected in their vulnerable

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