
Four Perspectives

Decent Essays

In level 4, we discussed four different perspectives for deciding what’s right or wrong. The four perspectives are the following: Individual Utility, Social Utility, Social Values and Individual Values. The Assignment I chose is describing a real-life case in my agency where a decision was made or an action was taken, and apply the Ethics Decision Rules to that case. Decision rules is for determining what’s right or wrong, good and bad, and obligated or not obligated. The first topic is individual utility which is if something is good or right, or if it has good or right consequences for me. An example of this would be the right to have the opportunity to make a decent living. Many of us are so busy with our jobs, families and other activities …show more content…

An example of Social utility is how we act. If John Doe goes to church and reads his Bible, he is making a good decision and there are positive things that come from that for him and others around him. The third topic is Social values. Social values is, it is right if I follow a rule or principle shared by others. When making a decisions, we must first consider the impact that any decision will make upon our peers. By doing so, I can make sure everyone’s need are being met. For example, as a supervisor there are many decisions that we have to make, such as scheduling overtime and allowing for deputies to take time off from work. I have to take consideration when scheduling time off so that I do not short my shift. Too many people off would make a huge impact on the allocation of the members. The fourth topic is Individual values, which is being right if I follow a self-chosen rule or principle and at the same time set a social example. We learned about honesty and integrity and that the truth matters... that you don't take shortcuts or play by your own set of rules... and success doesn't count unless you earn it fair and square. -Michelle Obama ( An example of this would be, being able to make a decision and not allow feelings to get involved in the decision making …show more content…

Fish came into our briefing one day and advised all of my deputies that when they are called in for mandatory overtime, they are to report to Central County Jail, and that Central County Jail would need to send one of their deputies to South County Jail. One of my deputies by the name of Deputy Sweat was called in over mandatory overtime from a South County Supervisor. Deputy Sweat advised this supervisor that he would come in once his uniform was clean and put together. Deputy Sweat then called Central County Jail and spoke to a Sergeant who advised him that he was not needed and that he would not be sending a deputy to South County Jail. Deputy Sweat then called Lt. Greene who advised him that he would not need to respond to South County Jail. Upon arrival for shift the next day, Deputy Sweat was handed a letter of reprimand for Insubordination. Deputy Sweat came to me and informed me that he received the letter of reprimand for Insubordination. I immediately went to Mr. Fish who advised me that he was aware of the situation and that he informed the South County Supervisors to write the letter of Reprimand for Insubordination. Once Lt. Greene arrived at work, I spoke to her and informed her of the situation. She was in total shock that Mr. Fish would take back everything that he had spoken about in briefing. Lt. Greene got on the phone with Mr. Fish and spoke to him

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