
Founder's Hall

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For many years, the architecture aspect (ideas and elements) from the Roman and Greek were borrowed in the Philadelphia’s buildings. One popular building that was label to be a “Greek Revival Style in America” according to Thomas U. Walter from the text book of Philadelphia Architecture A Guide to the City is the Founder’s Hall at Girard College. Founder’s Hall is the only building that many Philadelphians or tourists can experience a similar expectation as one of the Greek’s temples. There are a lot of differences with a few similarities with the Founder’s Hall to the Greek Temples. The three temples that will partake this analysis and comparison to the Founder’s Hall will be the Parthenon, Temple of Athena Nike and Temple of Hera.
The Founder’s …show more content…

Parthenon, on the other hand, which is on the top of the sketch floor plan is oriented to East and West with an overall size 101 feet wide; 228 feet long, approximately 60 feet to peak of pediment with a column height 33 feet high. Another difference between the Founder’s Hall and the Parthenon is the orders of the exterior columns that are equally separated from each other. The Founder’s Hall use of orders for exteriors is the Corinthians, for which in the fact sheet #19, “The Corinthian capitals are eight and a half feet high, and were carved in four sections.” As for the Parthenon, Doric was used for the exteriors because as stated in the text, “Doric, the sturdiest, was based on the proportions of a man……originated on the mainland of Greece” , which it is true. The Parthenon is located in mainland Greece (Acropolis, Greece). The difference between a Corinthian order and the Doric order is that Doric on the top of the column has a very detail sculpture. Corinthian has a smooth surface. Additionally, Temple of Hera also use the Doric order. Furthermore, about the columns, the column diameter at base for Founder’s Hall is 6’-0” with the spacing between is 21’-6” with no corner contraction. For the Parthenon, it is 6’-3” with the spacing between 14’ with corner

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