
Fortune's Fool In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo is of a the Montague family, enemies of the Capulet, and he had been rejected by Rosaline. Romeo later crashes a capulet party and falls in love with Juliet upon meeting her. Starting the drama in which leads to six deaths (including Romeo and Juliet). In Romeo & Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare, Romeo’s and Juliet’s death were not the result of fate, human error was to blame, lack of communication, and poor planning
Just after dueling Tybalt and avenging his dear friend Mercutio, Romeo cries out a fool of fortune. “O, I am Fortune’s fool!” (3.1.142). After killing Tybalt in a duel, Romeo says he’s “Fortune’s fool.” This seems to suggest that fate (or fortune) had control of his actions. Is Romeo a puppet without any control of his own body and own decisions? No, Romeo is not a puppet and has control of his own body. Showing his lack of good judgment by blaming Fortune. …show more content…

Romeo’s brilliant plan was to kill himself i order to be with the love of his life, which he had met a week ago. “Is it e’en so?- Then I defy you, stars!-” Fate has no play in Romeo’s plan. In which Romeo plan’s is to kill himself to be with Juliet. Fate was not mentioned here, fate did not make this plan. Romeo, of his own free will, came up with this plan. Romeo plans to “deny” the stars from keeping Juliet from him. Since Juliet is “dead” Romeo plans to kill himself along with her to be with

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