48737 - Fort Building Fun Boosts Learning
The love of learning cultivated at young ages prepares us for a lifetime of growth, development and success. And, this love stems from fun. Dr. William Glasser, a psychiatrist, claims that “fun is the genetic payoff for learning.” Fort building offers a perfect garden for planting, watering, nurturing and growing the seeds of this love through fun.
Research bears out that learning and long-term memory require fun. In fact, Judy Willis, a neurologist and educator, states, that cognitive development is "more likely to occur in an atmosphere of “exuberant discovery,” where students of all ages retain that kindergarten enthusiasm of embracing each day with the joy of learning.” Wow! What produces more
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The excited sound of their voices as they relay adventures to one another or you provide proof as well. Patters of feet running to and fro gathering supplies when a new idea strikes offer more evidence. Fort building boosts discovery and …show more content…
Though adults and children alike may find the drive to bear through this process. A better way exists. Experts agree that fun positively affects a learner’s motivation. And, motivation plays into what we learn and how much we remember.
Think about it, the experiences that exude fun push us to be curious and encourage us to repeat the behaviors required for us to learn. We simply “get it” without a thought to how easy or hard the steps are to achieve the information. And, the same holds true for children. Fun drives them to learn.
When we send our children out to play, a bit of guilt may arise that we are not creating structured learning experiences. But, fort building banishes this guilt. Play is not frivolous entertainment or silliness. It consists of loving the learning process.
With fort building, a child’s natural curiosity peaks and adventures in problem-solving, creativity and understanding the world around him or her flourish. The process of construction and discovery has meaning and purpose, and so enhances learning.
Play is essential to every part of children’s lives and is important to their development. It provides the children with different ways of doing things children will want to explore and learn new things.
The relationship between play and learning seems obvious to many child professionals and parents, and yet there are still lack of understanding surrounding the importance of children's play. Some people believe that children need to "work" not play, and that playing serves no useful purpose in a learning and development environment. This is surprising considering that play, with its high levels of motivation and potential enjoyment empowers children (as well as people
When learning becomes fun the teachers find it less challenging for trying to keep the child engaged in the activity at hand. The job of the educator working with a play-based curriculum is to facilitate play, to draw out and extend what children learn through play (Play Based Programmes, 2015). Children have a variety of play spaces available that mimic their regular world around them, each space can be intertwined with another centre such as combining the truck centre with the block centre, or adding in some zoo animals to the area. The play based approach can be used by children of all abilities, it allows children to play independently or as a small group, and allows the children the opportunity to bring their home life into their play.
Let your kids choose the fort design that fits their passion or whim of the day to keep them engaged and developing focus skills. After all, don’t we all focus and concentrate better when the matter at hand interests us? And, these skills flow into other learning areas as well.
Play can offer children to learn concepts of science such as the structure of matter, know between force and motion, and diversity. P1
There are numerous theories of play and countless theorists, from Freud and Spencer to Piaget and Vygotsky, who have studied play in relation to what it is and what it does for the child. This essay will outline the definition and value of play and the importance of how it can foster the child’s learning in regards to these theorists who studied the effects in great detail. It will discuss the how the environments constructed by educators can impact play and the theories of learning relating to the quote “play and learning are inextricably woven together ...” Ebbeck and Waniganayake, 2010, p. 5).
to try and include various sensory activities that will stimulate their mind and make them think whilst
Knowing and learning things can not only cause people to be more visual and mechanical, but it can cause emotional effects as well. Learning can cause people to feel very good about themselves. Ever feel that positive sense of acing a test or exam? That is the exact same feeling that people have when they know they have learned something new. In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie says, “That makes me feel better. I coud probly do that amazed faster than a reglar mouse.” Charlie is mentally unstable to learn properly, so when he finds out that he does have a chance of learning, he is very excited.
Children at this age become very inquisitive and probing in their play so therefore they will be doing more than playing, but however taking their play to the next step. It is suggested that children will approach the Prime and Specific areas of learning in this
Intrinsic motivation is a key aspect of student success in school. Van den Broeck, Vansteenkiste, and De Witte (2013) define intrinsic motivation as, “the engagement in an activity for its own sake, that is, for the satisfaction and enjoyment experienced during the course of the activity itself” (p. 4). Educators encourage intrinsic motivation within their students as it boosts
Encourage children - To not only strive to do their best, but also to enjoy the process. Trying new activities teaches children about teamwork, self-esteem and new skills.
Outdoor play is a great tool to engage a child and incorporate all seven areas of learning. Well thought out activities can excite, challenge and memorize children, teaching them new skills or experience new ideas all through play. For example, building a ball run is a simple activity in itself. However children often work as a team, sharing ideas and overcoming problems in the process. Number could be incorporated if the children are asked to build the ball run from a pre-drawn instruction
I had an insight when reading the article about preventing challenging behavior. I did not realize the importance of making sure the activities are interesting to the child. However, after pondering it I realized it is such a powerful tool. That is why we need to differentiate our instruction so that all of our students find it engaging. It is so much easier to prevent bad behavior than to fix it. As a teacher I am going to make sure I am being proactive in my lesson planning. I am going to prevent problems by taking a little extra time to make sure my lessons are engaging all my students. If I
Subjects that might be monotonous for some – like math and science – can be much more engaging with virtual lessons, tutoring, and the streaming of educational videos (Khan, 2012, p. 17). This carries tremendous weight for me. As a student who struggled with Math, the best way that I learned was through computer games because it was fun and interesting to me. When students are given the opportunity to learn at their pace, stress levels are managed and scores are increasingly higher because the student is given the opportunity to grow their confidence and complete the task at hand without feeling any pressure.
There are many different things that shape the cognitive development of children. To begin with cognitive development is when a child develops how to process, solve problems, and start making decisions. Once they have learned this they take everything they have learned into their adolescence. An example, of what can shape the cognitive development of a child can be an educational game. Educational games can be very useful in shaping a child’s development because they are having fun while learning at the same time and what kid doesn’t like to play games, the fact that it is even educational makes it even better for them. Not only are they having fun but there are many different games that help in different categories of development in