
Fort Building Boosts Learning

Decent Essays

48737 - Fort Building Fun Boosts Learning

The love of learning cultivated at young ages prepares us for a lifetime of growth, development and success. And, this love stems from fun. Dr. William Glasser, a psychiatrist, claims that “fun is the genetic payoff for learning.” Fort building offers a perfect garden for planting, watering, nurturing and growing the seeds of this love through fun.

Research bears out that learning and long-term memory require fun. In fact, Judy Willis, a neurologist and educator, states, that cognitive development is "more likely to occur in an atmosphere of “exuberant discovery,” where students of all ages retain that kindergarten enthusiasm of embracing each day with the joy of learning.” Wow! What produces more …show more content…

The excited sound of their voices as they relay adventures to one another or you provide proof as well. Patters of feet running to and fro gathering supplies when a new idea strikes offer more evidence. Fort building boosts discovery and …show more content…

Though adults and children alike may find the drive to bear through this process. A better way exists. Experts agree that fun positively affects a learner’s motivation. And, motivation plays into what we learn and how much we remember.

Think about it, the experiences that exude fun push us to be curious and encourage us to repeat the behaviors required for us to learn. We simply “get it” without a thought to how easy or hard the steps are to achieve the information. And, the same holds true for children. Fun drives them to learn.

When we send our children out to play, a bit of guilt may arise that we are not creating structured learning experiences. But, fort building banishes this guilt. Play is not frivolous entertainment or silliness. It consists of loving the learning process.

With fort building, a child’s natural curiosity peaks and adventures in problem-solving, creativity and understanding the world around him or her flourish. The process of construction and discovery has meaning and purpose, and so enhances learning.


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