
Forms Of Practice Research Paper

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Which form of practice works best to improve performance on doing pentatonic scale on guitar: mental, physical, or both? Throughout this paper we will go over what mental practice is, its effect on performance, what physical practice contributes to performance, and how the use of both forms of practice can affect performance, along with studies on the subject. Throughout my research, I have learned that this question (Does mental, physical, or both forms of practice help most?) is frequently asked by sports trainers and athletes looking for methods to improve their technique and performance in sports activities. Mental practice is a frequently overlooked form of practice, yet the most used in training to do anything. In fact, many coaches often say that performing is 90 percent physical and 10 percent physical. When you mentally practice an activity, it means you are mentally rehearsing the activity, often imagining performing the task perfectly in your mind. As stated in a web article, mental imagery works by training our minds to “…create the neural in patterns in our brain to teach our muscles to do exactly what we want them to do.”(2) In the case of my experiment, you would imagine performing the …show more content…

The results of her experiment showed that people who were good at imagery (regardless of their skill level) showed noteworthy improvement, while the people not good at imagery improved slightly. Of course, the people who practiced mental imagery improved performance much more than the control group. In conclusion, mental practice/imagery does contribute to improving

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