You’re right about formal and informal supports. Although both support tools are beneficial to students, unless it is written into the student’s IEP or 504 Plan, there is no guarantee for supportive services. In some situations, a student may need some type of redirections and/or a fidget to gain their attention so that they can perform much better in an environment that best suites them. As for some teachers, not all teachers believe in fidgets because they believe they are a distraction and don’t do any good. At least at the school where I used to work at, I knew of two teachers who did not agree with fidgets. In my opinion, fidgets help soothe and relieve some tension that a student may be experiencing, such as anxiety, fear, and/or overwhelmed
An assistive technology device can be an item, software system, or piece of equipment used to increase, improve, or maintain the functional capabilities of a student with disabilities. It can help a person with a disability complete tasks they need to perform on a daily basis. Assistive technology services serve to directly assist students with disabilities in the selection or use of an assistive technology device. For some students with disabilities, assistive technology is important because they would not be able to benefit form their educational program. Assistive technology is a part of the Individualized Education Plan for each student. The educational team for the student must ask if there is a device that will improve their functional capabilities. If the educational team discovers that the child could benefit from a device that fits that description, the school district is required to provide the service along with training to use the device (Lewis, 1998).
Imagine children in a classroom trying to focus on what the teacher is saying. Then the students see this big, flashing, purple fidget spinner. It is very distracting and all of the students end up missing the whole point of what the teacher is saying. Fidget spinners should be banned in classrooms because they are distracting, a safety hazard, and many children are misusing them.
McKevitt, B. C., & Braaksma, A. D. (2008). Best practices in developing a positive behavior support system at the school level. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology (5th ed., pp. 735–747). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
First, I believe Fidget Spinners should be allowed at school because they help people concentrate. I believe this because, it gives you something to focus on. It helps people who can't sit still have
.Fidget get should not be allowed in school because it causes a distraction in class.One way it causes a distraction is when a teacher is instructing a student brings out a fidget spinner and he or she attention is on the spinner not on the lesson.Second reason why fidget spinner is a distraction by kids have challeges.It is only for people who has ADHD and Autism.So in my opinion fidget spinners should be
Verbal prompts, redirection to remain focused on a given task, minimize outdoor play, reduced iPad games and parent meeting. The results of interventions are diverse. Adriel would respond to previous intervention such as less outdoor play and parent meeting by behaving in class and follow directions for outdoor play for the first two days of the week and then the behavior occurs again. Verbal prompting often works for the first 2 minutes and then the behavior occurs again. The support and one-to-one attention given from the staff during transitions decreased the incidents of noncompliance, pushing and yelling. The staff will model, role play, practice and discuss all these intervention strategies to support Adriel. He will be given attention when he shows replacement behaviors.
Name at least three items that could be considered AT and describe how those devices could support a student with a disability in the classroom.
Instructors also utilize restorative practice techniques to guide students in handling difficult situations with integrity and respect. These techniques assist with measuring the students’ ability to function in collaborative settings. Backfield in Motion tracks and records behavior by obtaining behavioral incident reports from school personnel. In addition, Backfield in Motion provides day support for students suspended from school to help working parents and assist with problem-solving between the student, peers, and school.
The author wrote the brief film “Knick Knack,” to express to his viewers that they do not get what they want, but what they need. The brief film demonstrates that people need to produce the best situation, instead of being greedy. In addition to, people have respectable possessions, although they always hanker for extra and it is never enough. That is what the author was trying to insinuate in the brief film, “Knick Knack.”
It is important that these trusted adults work with students, and the student’s parents, and the student’s teacher to ensure the child’s physical, emotional, and academic needs are met. It is important for the student and the student’s parents build a trusting relationship with the teacher and school, so they believe that the child’s best interests are in mind when additional testing for learning disabilities or behavioral issues. Students who have consistent adult support in the classroom and at home are most likely to stay on track
According to, fidget spinners help improve the mental state and studying of many people. Recent scientific study shows that people who fidget while listening to a phone call were able to recollect more of what the phone call said than the people who didn’t fidget. Clearly, this experiment proves that fidget spinners can help the students focus better in class than they used to without fidget toys.
It is also evident that family is very important to these students, one threat from the teacher to call home to mom or dad usually invoked a positive behavioral adjustment. I was almost positive one of the students was about to cry, but the teacher gave him redemption and told him she wouldn't call home if he could answer one of the questions she was asking correct. He was ready to answer all of the questions, but of course I noticed he was using his cheat sheet, which the teacher standing on the opposite side of the room did not
Behaviour support– for some children this is about learning to communicate and develop social skills. For others, it means support or counselling in a separate quiet space that has a balance between privacy and visibility for supervision.
“So the way you guys can solve this problem is… SSSSSSHHHHHH… Ok Bobby can you repeat to the class how we solve this problem?” “What?, I didn’t hear you over Sam’s fidget spinner...” This is one of the situations that could occur if we allow these unnecessary toys in school. Recently, the trend of fidget spinners has hit our society like a truck. However, they have became a debatable topic in schools. Some students think that fidget spinners are necessary for focusing in school, while other adults and teachers think that fidget spinners are a major distraction in class. Fidget spinners should not be allowed at school because of the negative impacts on the students who are supposed to be learning.
Fidgets are a great way to keep children calm and collected, but in order for them to work, there needs to be expectations. For me as an adult, I can get a little antsy if I sit for a long period of time to what do I do? I just grab my phone out and mess around on it. In a school setting that cannot happen. Some different alternatives could be a stress ball, fidget cube, bag of marbles, or tangles, etc. Some expectations for the fidgets can be: keep it somewhere where it won’t be a distraction, use it nicely and properly, and if it gets in the way of work, then it gets taken away. If expectations get set, fidgets can be a great way to keep your student focused and not get over stimulated while getting their work done.