
Forks In The Dumpster: A Short Story

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Why is it so boring? Ugh... if only we were still in Forks. Would have hopped down to Bella’s place. I can’t even find someone to annoy. I have no idea where Edward and Jasper are, Carlisle is always busy and I think Rosalie and Esme went hunting. I’ve been bored lately guess it’s because I'm not with Bells. I miss Bells so much. I can’t even see her now. Not even in my vision. It's like I could see her when we came but then a few days or even weeks later she just disappeared.I mean I can still see her but like it's just imaging but lately, it's been just disappearing.Wonder what she’s up to...Wait disappeared - why did she just disappear - okay, okay concentrate...what is she doing, what is she doing?...ugh...why aren’t you showing

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