
Forest Succession Report

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Forest succession is the process of change in the species structure in a forested community over time. Succession is fundamental to forest ecology because it allows ecologist to predict what communities will do in disturbances such as wildfires, flooding, and clear cuts. Succession can be site and time specific requiring the use of scales such as micro of mega. Based on the knowledge from previous labs such as silvics and seed ecology students predictions could be that because of seed banks and species silvics succession can drastically change over time based on a stands management.
The succession lab was conducted at the Stephen F. Austin Experimental Forest at five sits in moderately warm weather on November 9th. Measurements …show more content…

The 10 BAF prism was used to establish a variable radius plot. Percent cover in each plot had to be examined and determined by each group. Data collected varied based on type of plot used. The 1/2000th acre plot because of its small size focused only on number of grasses and forbes species and their percent cover. The 1/200th plot was larger so species of trees, shrubs, vines forbes, and grasses were recorded and their percent cover. Finally the 10 BAF variable radius plot recorded only number of species and their abundance that met the basal area requirements.
Results among the site showed a trend for increased species richness and basal area after the open field site. However, the open field had the highest percent cover of grasses compared to the other sites at 55%. Grass percent cover was low in the 20-year old pine stand which was 2.4% and began to increase slightly at the mixed hardwoods site at 4.6%. Basal area was highest at the mixed hardwood site and was lowest at the open field where there were little to no trees.

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