
Forest Hills Drive: A Poem Analysis

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We turn on the TV or log into a social media site, and see fast cars, stacks of money, mansions, and the most exquisite jewels. Get in the car, turn on the radio, and the story continues. The revolution of hip hop has submerged, and brainwashed its audience with this idea that these are the things that we’re supposed to strive to obtain. The belief then becomes that if we don’t have these things, we don’t have happiness. For years, rappers have been painting us this picture through songs, that portrayed a luxurious lifestyle as the key to happiness. In 2014, rap genius J Cole, destroyed the idea that wealth was the equivalent to happiness in his song “Love Yourz”. Cole raps this message in a very beautiful, passionate tone and opens the eyes …show more content…

Cole titled the album after his childhood home address in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and uses the album to tell his life story in chronological order. Leading up to “Love Yourz”, Cole sings about his earliest childhood years, losing friends to death, adolescence and the idea of success. Cole figured that if he got money, then he would be able to afford things he’d never had, which would ultimately bring him happiness. We see this play out in his song “03’ Adolescence” where Cole talks about being a teen and having a friend who sold drugs that he looked up to because of the money that came with the lifestyle. “I complimented how I see him out here getting his cash, and just asked / “What a n***a gotta do to get that? Put me on!” (“03’ Adolescence” lines 42,43). Cole’s friend then responded to him by saying he looked up to Cole because of the future that awaited him. Cole’s friend didn’t want to sell drugs, but he saw it as his only way of living. He told me, "N***a you know how you sound right …show more content…

The track is the very last song on the album right before he goes into his thank you track. It is interesting to note that Cole did the album in the order that he experienced life, and this is the last lesson he has learned --- the lesson of happiness. Cars, houses and money were the motive for Cole his entire life, he thought that those things would bring him happiness. “The world is constantly pumping us with images of what life should be about,” (J Cole on tour). He took those images, chased them, and after obtaining them he realized that he still didn’t have happiness. In an interview with him, he tells about how he was inspired to write this song because he realized he was more focused on “achieving the goals of getting those things,” and he “lost sight of the blessings around him,” (Interview with Tavis Smiley). “Love Yourz” is a song that tells how you should appreciate the life that you have and the people in your life, and not focus on others’. He tells his audience this through his own experience, “I grew up in the city, and though sometimes we had less / Compared to some of my niggas down the block man we were blessed (“Love Yourz”, 16,17). It is important to understand this message because you can go throughout life admiring someone else’s life from the outside, but on the inside they’re truly unhappy. The biggest take away would have to be to understand that even if you live

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