
Forensics: Aging Fingerprints

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Despite the increased usage of DNA analysis, fingerprints have proven to be a more reliable proof of contact, accounting for ten times as many cases solved according to Adebsi (2009). Aging fingerprints determine their relevance in a forensic timeline. Fingerprints deposited at the approximate time of a crime would be substantial in a/the forensic case. As it could have been connected to the suspect, witness or even the victim. Conversely, fingerprints may be irrelevant if the time of deposition didn’t correspond with the time of the crime. Fingerprint residue is composed of endogenous amino acids, fatty acids, sterols, squalene and wax esters which change in concentration with time. Additionally, they create several intermediates and products which correspondingly change in concentration as they decompose and oxidize with time. Fingerprint composition should be tested …show more content…

One limitation was concerned with the initial constituents of fingerprints. Not only did the initial composition vary considerably between individuals (Michalski et al., 2013) but the amounts of fatty acids increased drastically after touching their faces. Nonetheless, facial secretions didn’t affect the amino acid amounts. Therefore, both fatty acids and amino acids should be considered to limit the deviation between individuals. Moreover, exogenous compounds such as drugs and beauty products may alter fingerprint compositions. Since different people initially have varying fingerprint compositions then the change in concentration of those components would vary significantly between people. This can be overcome by taking several measurements and analysing the change in concentration with time instead of quantifying the composition at a specific time. An alternate method would be to determine the change in the ratios of fingerprint composition over time. Those methods would uncover aging curves which may be used to estimate the time of fingerprint

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