
Forensic Science Essay

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Forensic Science is defined as the application of science and scientific methods to civil and criminal laws. Forensic Science in itself is an incredibly broad topic. This can apply to many careers, such as forensic accounting. In this paper, I will be discussing forensic science and crime scene investigation as it relates to law enforcement. With advancements in technology, forensic science and crime scene investigations are not only intriguing, but also a vital, ever changing and growing career field.

One of the most common evidence an investigator deals with on a daily basis is fingerprints. Everyone has them, and they are unique to every single person. There are no two alike. Fingerprints, unless altered by scarring or other means, are …show more content…

The growth in technology has made many things possible that originally couldn’t be done. One of the most widely known growths in this field is DNA. Most notably, the growth in terms of DNA has been crucial to the growth in the field of forensic science as a whole. Without DNA evidence, many cases may not be prosecuted and many innocent people could still be incarcerated. DNA has cleared many innocent people serving time in prison. It is a huge factor in finding the true perpetrator in a crime. Additionally, databases are becoming larger and more widespread to include most if not all areas in the US to determine links. AFIS allows ease in fingerprint identification. CODIS is similar to AFIS, just using DNA. Databases grow everyday. Digital photography has become much better. Now, you have instant feedback to determine how well pictures come out. Even equipment, such as microscopes are much better to analyze evidence. Cameras are one of the best tools today. Digital photography has become much better. Now, you have instant feedback to determine how well pictures come out. Even equipment, such as microscopes are much better to analyze evidence. Cameras are one of the best tools today. Some of the more commonly know and everyday uses in technology include cell phones, GPS, and external storage (jump

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