
Forensic Interview

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Forensic Interview of Child Abuse Victims

In any child abuse investigation, collecting as much information about the charges in question is key. This is accomplished with gathering evidence and conducting interviews with people associated with the child. This also includes interviews with the child. In this paper I will discuss the importance of this interview, called a forensic interview, and a widely used interview technique with children victims of possible child abuse. A forensic interview is only conducted with a child of possible child abuse or neglect. This interview first begins with information that is provided to the interviewer by the victim themselves. This is a delict task and should only be conducted by a therapist trained with child …show more content…

This puts the child at ease of any nervousness or anxiety. This can be achieved by asking the child about their interests. As a rapport is being established between the interviewer and the child, rules of the interview must set. The level of development and body language of the child should be noted. The interviewer should then ask the child to recall two specific events that happened in the past. This is done to achieve the level of detail the child recalls about the two events, and teaches the child how to tell a story. Introducing the topic of concern by the interviewer is next. Asking an open-ended question gives the child an opportunity to be a free narrative and unprompted about the event. There are 4 categories of questions that may be used in the forensic interview of a child of possible abuse and/or neglect. Each has their own benefits and risks. Open-ended questions: Inviting the child to provide information about an activity or event or gives the child an opportunity to elaborate on information. Specific questions: Focuses questions about a particular topic. Clarification of information can be done with the help of these types of

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