
Forensic Accounting Essay examples

Better Essays

In the present day forensic accounting plays a huge role in many of the court cases publicized by the media. With the spotlight on the profession, this is a good opportunity to discuss the following topics: 1) Five skills that a forensic accountant needs to possess.

2) The role of a forensic accountant within a courtroom environment.

3) Analyze the legal responsibility a forensic accountant has while providing service to a business.

4) Examine two cases where forensic accountants have provided vital evidence in a case, summarizing their importance to the case.

The word forensic is defined as relating to the use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a …show more content…

Because of the need for forensic accountants in deciphering and analyzing liability and damages, their role in the courtroom, as businesses have continued to evolve, has expanded rapidly as well. While in the past, forensic accountants have conducted investigations into the assets of parties involved in divorce, or in supporting claims in construction disputes, now the list of roles has expanded to include antitrust cases, intellectual property disputes, securities litigation, and professional negligence lawsuits.(Tucker, 2011)

As laws and regulations continue to grow and become more complex, the need for forensic accountants is sure to continue growing as well. An example of how regulations have grown (mirroring the demand for forensic accountants) can be seen by comparing the scope and length of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, at 66 pages, to the 849 page Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection act of 2009.(Tucker, 2011) It is the environment created by such complex regulations and oversight committees that has hedged the need for accounting experts who can help demonstrate both the effects of individual companies on overall markets, as well as the opposite effects of market-happenings on individual firms. This complicated data, made comprehendible by a talented and effective forensic accountant, can serve as the determining factor in a case. Ultimately, this allows for

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