
Force Field Analysis

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In creating a force field analysis, I first had to look at the presenting problem of what I plan to change within my agency. For my field practice assignment, I am working in conjunction with my supervisor (Assistant Director) and the Director of the program on implementing changes to the provider’s contract. There are many policies and procedures that are being violated on the provider’s end of the contract that are in turn causing violations with the Department of Health and A.C.D. (Agency for Child Development). First I will give a brief history of the program and its presenting issues that we face with the providers. In consultation with my supervisor and other caseworkers, it was a unanimous decision that our provider’s …show more content…

Child care providers must re-apply for their license every two years and then once they submit their new license to the network, they then sign a new contract. What could cause the contract from not being revised would be its disapproval from the Vice President of the child care division. In addition, if the provider’s contract were to stay the same there would be no progression or drive from the providers to adhere to the guidelines that have changed within the Department of Health and the Child Care Network. The Critical Actors of the change would be the Vice President, the Director and the Assistant Director. The driving force of the Vice President would be that she is very much for a change in the providers’ behavior and professional attitudes toward the parents and the caseworkers. She would also like to establish a more business like attitude with the caseworkers, other network staff, and the parents. Lastly, she is looking for the providers to learn more educational techniques from the trainings and workshops that are offered for them through the network. The restraining forces would be that she would not approve the contact because its trying to implement “too much” change at one time. Another restraining factor would be that the providers would contact the UFT union (United Federation of Teachers) because of the extra demands that are being asked of them without extra monetary compensation. A final restraining force of why she wouldn’t approve

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