
Foot Traffic In America

Decent Essays

Sheer foot traffic is one of the most important aspects of any retail business (Brown, 2004), especially in Americas larger cities where walkability is key and many customers will arrive to a store through public transportation or simple foot travel (Leinberger & Lynch, 2015). The American retail market has seen a declining amount of foot traffic over the past few years, even though retail sales have increased (Dixon, 2014; Team, 2014). This loss in foot traffic first occurred through a transition to shopping malls and is now a symptom of the rise of e-commerce (Banjo & Fitzgerald, 2014; Scharoun, 2012). Also of consequence to many retailers in the suburbs is the rise of downtown revitalization, pulling many potential customers to the many boutiques, restaurants, and pedestrian malls that are prevalent in these efforts to save the American downtown (Robertson, 1997).
Retailers know that foot traffic means nothing without those individuals being …show more content…

As mentioned above foot traffic is a very important metric for any retail business, as well as the peak times, demographics, and direction for that traffic. I feel that one important observation that you have left out of your research, but seem to allude to, is conversion rate. Having information about how many people pass the store will not truly assist the regional manager in determining how to increase sales, to do this you must also record whether each person that passes by enters the store. Along the same lines, it may also be important to record those who do not enter but may stop to either view displays in the window or question whether they want to enter. Both of these two things would clearly show whether the marketing efforts of the company are successfully drawing people’s attention to the front the store. If people are not noticing the store and its displays then they will never enter the

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