
Food And Drug Act Of 1906

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Everyday you consume things may it be food, drinks, or prescription drugs. Most people will just absent mindedly intake these products subconsciously knowing that they are monitored by government organizations ensuring your safety. It has not always been that was and has progressed greatly throughout the years. although all consumer safety organizations may not be reputable, they do much more good than harm. Consumer safety is something that is extremely important to the American family, and has help thousands of people survive. Consumer safety is something that has allowed America to progress to where it is today.
FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration, it is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring that foods are …show more content…

Companies were selling drugs that were guaranteed to do things for people, with no proof to back it up. The Pure Food and Drug Act required that all foods and drugs sold across the United States carry accurate labels indicating the presence and dosages their ingredients. It also required federal inspection of meats.
Today pharmaceutical industry is worth 300 billion dollars and controls a majority of the money market. It is an industry that today is in very close ties with the FDA. The FDA has lost face because it is now to closely linked with big pharmaceutical companies. It is more beneficial and profitable for ‘Big Pharma’ to have more unhealthy people because that would mean more drug sales. Mercola, Joseph, Dr. "Exposing the Truth Behind FDA Approval and Guidance." The FDA is something that many people know about, but do not know what happens within the company. A majority of Americans have heard stories on the news of people making huge acquisitions of how the FDA killed their child by no correctly regulation fast food companies ; or how their husband died for a heart attack because the warning label on his bottle of medication was not correct. Dr. David Graham is the senior scientist within the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety. Graham became concerned when he started to see an

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