
Follow Me Book Report

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Dear Mrs. Budeša, January 4, 2017

The book Follow Me written by Ricky Dillon, is the most incomparable book to any other. Ricky is the kind of person who most people want to be in life, he never lets his youtube, or social media haters get to him. He is a very enthusiastic guy; he loves his family, friends, and fans. He dedicated his book to his fans because they have supported him endlessly, and their the reason why he does what he does. Throughout this whole book he talks about his family, and how they helped him become who he is today, with help from some friends and his fans. He talks about how his health is a BIG part of his life and he always wants to be and is healthy. Exercise is the biggest part of his life, besides …show more content…

In proportion to the memoir, Ricky indicates “When I was a little kid I was obsessed with the cartoon Animaniacs.Of the three main characters, the female, Dot, was hands down my favorite. She was cute and sassy and made me laugh more than any other creature on the show. One day my mom took me to a Toys “R” Us and I went off in search of a Dot stuffed animal. I found the Animaniacs. Toys in aisle marked “Boys,” but there were no Dots to be found. On a hunch, I walked over to the girls’ section and sure enough saw a big pile of Dot stuffed animals at the far end of an aisle. I got about three steps closer when a store worker stepped up and said, “Excuse me, this is the little girls’ section. The boy toys are over there.” I slunk away, humiliated. I felt like I had done something horribly wrong, but at the same time I knew in my heart that there was nothing wrong with my wanting a Dot doll. It was a toy that would have made me happy, end of story. It had nothing to do with my gender.” (Dillon 207). This conflict is universal because i'm sure everyone when they were little wanted the “opposite gender toy”. This is universal because the Nerf company in 2013 had created Nerf rebelle for girls, because they felt like since they were girls they couldn't play with a nerf blaster. This was a BIG change in society and as to Ricky when he was a little kid. Back then it was not that big of a deal, but now a days things have changed, for the better. Girls and Boys should not have to be judged on what they want to do in

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