
Foils In Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

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Characterization in Jane Eyre: Brontë’s Use of Foils Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë, is set in 19th century England, and tells the story of a young woman named Jane Eyre who undergoes many hardships as she matures and ultimately grows into a more complex person. The people Jane encounters throughout the novel both shape her opinions and the person she becomes, and serve as foils, or characters who set off other characters by strong contrast. Many of Jane Eyre’s supporting characters possess unflattering or unfavorable qualities. The way they treat Jane, the manner in which they interact with other people, and their worldviews, either positive or negative, equally impact Jane, and serve as a contrast for Jane’s own traits. Brontë’s use of foils in Jane Eyre as a method of characterization enables the reader to better understand Jane as a character, and emphasize certain …show more content…

Though not the first character foil to appear in the novel, Helen Burns, one of Jane’s first friends, whom she meets at Lowood Institution, is one of the most important. Jane first encounters Helen shortly after arriving at Lowood, and Helen’s mild nature serves as a stark contrast to Jane’s boldness. When Jane tells Helen that “When we are struck at without reason, we should strike back again very hard,” in reference to the way many of their instructors treat Helen and how she feels Helen should fight back, Helen’s peaceful and wise nature is demonstrated by her response: “Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you” (44). Helen’s passiveness and meekness reveal Jane to be forthright, outspoken, and assertive. Helen’s submissiveness in the face of wrongful punishment upsets Jane, and shows Jane to be not only bold, but also passionate. After one of their teachers publicly humiliates Helen, Jane states

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