
Flowers For Algernon Important Quotes

Decent Essays

Garrett Whisenant Jean Dickson 4th hour ELA 2/24 “Flowers for Algernon” Essay “Everybody on the ground shut up” said the Robber. “We have to do something,” said Rogan. “Yes we do,” said Garrey. “Everybody stay quiet.Give me all the money in the register” said the Robber. “Yes sir” said the man at the register. “Hu, hay, what are you doing? Aaaahhhh, get off me” said the Robber.” “Give me the gun,” Rogan said. “No” the Robber said!” “Yes, I got the gun. Now stay down. Someone call 911” said Rogan. “Already did” said Garrey. “Wrong time, wrong place, Hhhaaaaaa” laughed Rogan. This challenge helped build Rogan’s character by challenging his bravery and courage by tackling the Robber, even though he may have gotten hurt. This helped him build character …show more content…

First, Charlie believes that his work associate’s are his best friends. This could be proven by Keyes on page 205, “Then Frank Reilly said what did you do Charlie? Forget your key and open your door the hard way. That made me laff. They’re really my friends and they like me.” This is a good way to show how Charlie thought his coworkers were his friends. Second, Charlie has now realized that his work associates were just making fun of him. This could be proven by Keyes on page 209, “It’s a funny thing I never knew that Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around all the time to make fun of me.” This is a good example of how Charlie realized his coworkers were not his friends. Lastly, Charlie has found out that his work associate felt really bad about what they did, so they decided to be nice to him. This could be proven by Keyes on page 220, “.... hey Charlie I hear your a very smart fella a real quiz kid. Say something intelligent about it. I felt bad but Joe Carp came over and grabbed him by the shirt and said leave him alone or Ill break your neck.” This is a good way to show how Charlie's coworkers felt bad for him for what they

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