
Florida Voting Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Project role: summarizer
Research question:The first presenter brief should concisely explain the background, era, the issues at stake relevant precedent, the court's vote the actual decision of the case.
Background: The five justices of the majority had previously and conversely granted great deference to state court decisions, and all were Republican appointees. The state of Florida used punch cards. The big problem was that the cards wasn’t fully punched through but the intention of the voters should have counted. Also the name of the candidates didn’t line up with the right punch cards names.
Era:The era of bush vs. gore is that it would change the way voting would be changed in the united states and how different methods would be in place so that the …show more content…

The same goes from district that used different standards to re-calculate its votes, treating the re-counts as unequal. It’s important to note that each county operates its own form of a Board of
Election, resulting in each county operating independently from one another.
Because of this some counties may do a partial recount, a full recount, or only recount over votes or under votes.
The process for re-counting the votes, set by the Supreme Court of Florida, established guidelines that allow for bias and additional issues in ensuring a proper count of the ballots. This was done by the state allowing for the use of improper machines to re-count the votes and for allowing for one re-count rather than multiple re-counts to ensure a more accurate count of the votes. The machines used by the state weren’t able to properly process over-votes and under-votes, meaning counties re-counting certain ballots wouldn’t be able to get an accurate count.
Given the lack of guidance by the Supreme Court of Florida attempting to have

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