
Florence Nightingale Research Paper

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Florence Nightingale is a great example of how war can alter people’s lives. Nightingale was born into an upper-class home where she was conformed into cultural norms by her parents. While her parents wanted her to learn how to cook, clean and be a good domestic life, Nightingale had different plans. In 1854, an article came out that talked about the terrible conditions of the medical facilities during the Crimean War. In this article Nightingale found a purpose worth pursuing. When she read the report that described how sick and wounded soldiers received no proper medical care, she want against her parents request and trained as a nurse all over Western Europe. When she finally arrived to the battlegrounds many months later she noticed that …show more content…

Within 6 months of being there, Nightingale completely transformed the medical facilities, lowered the death rate from 40% to 2% and reinvented the way wounded were taking care of on the battlefield. She became famous for her work, and known as “one of England’s proudest daughters”. Many years later her notes taken during the Crimean War became published and used a primary text for nurses and nursing school. War is traditionally known for causing so much destruction and ruining endless people’s lives. But in the case of Florence Nightingale it provided her an alternative opportunity than being sucked into the cultural norm of domestication. The Crimean War gave Nightingale an opportunity to change the way we look at military health care, public sanitation and social policy. The war opened the door for her to be a leader in her field and inspire the Red Cross Association, which helps millions of people today. So, as much as war destroys people’s lives, sometimes it opens a door for others to help save lives. Before Nightingale, soldiers were dying from basic infections, but all wars after that were changed for the better by saving more soldiers than ever

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