
Flight: The Option For The Poor And The Vulnerable

Decent Essays

One Catholic Social Teaching that was demonstrated within the movie “Flight”, was The Option for the Poor and the Vulnerable. This Catholic Social Teaching calls for Catholics to care for the less fortunates needs. This was demonstrated in the movie “Flight” when Captain. Whip Whitaker offers his assistance to Nicole a drug addict. Nicole in evicted from her housing unit, and she has no money or way of transportation. Captain. Whip Whitaker offers to transport Nicole’s belongings for her. Once he realizes Nicole has nowhere else to go he takes his assistance to another level. Captain Whip does so by offering Nicole shelter at his farmstead. In the duration of Nicole’s stay at Captain. Whip’s house he allows her to have access to all of his resources within his house. Captain Whip Whitakers deed to assist Nicole in her time of distress changes her life enlightening spirit, which guided her into discontinuing her drug usage. …show more content…

This Catholic Social Teaching preaches that every human is obliged to rights to obtain human decency. With this right to obtain human decency the populace is responsible to love and care for one another. Captain Whip Whitaker has a defective relationship with his son after his divorce with his wife. Yet, Captain Whip knows it’s his responsibility to financially support his son so that his son could endeavor for a successful future. When Captain Whip is sentenced to prison he desires to refurbish disjointed relations with his son. Captain Whip is shown human decency during his sentence. Whip was allowed to have family visit him during his sentence allowing him and his son to restore

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