

Decent Essays

This poem is extremely funny and displays Donne’s abstract of love. At the beginning of the poem, the adored flea is the main figure Donne draws attention too. Donne uses and benefits from the contrast among the little dimension and unimportance of the flea as well as the huge significance to make his point. Overall this poem is about a man trying to persuade the lady to get into bed with him. It would be a shame to be naïve and remove all the metaphorical explosives the narrator displays in order to divert the reader. The flea is used as a religious symbol instead of an insect. This poem has spiritual implications all the way through it. Nevertheless, the reader suspects the narrator honestly wants sex from the lady, but he disputes …show more content…

In other words, this is how the poet would like to enjoy her. He does not feel obligated to court her in order for her to enjoy the sexual favors.
When the narrator uses the words, 'Tis true ; then learn how false fears be” Just so much honour, when thou yield'st to me, Will waste, as this flea's death took life from thee. (Line 25-27) he is pretty much telling the woman she is dishonoring him. He feels the two come together with the blood. He wants her to “yield” to his reasoning as well as go to bed with him. Therefore, when she kills the flea she has killed their marriage.
The Flea is a delightful example of Donne’s self-assured and finely accomplished application of a bold allegory that instills a flea. This flea is the least likely of romantic figures due to the magnitude and status it carries within society. Donne’s talent to exemplify sexual longing, immorality, sanctified love and holy marriage in a minimal flea before eventually spinning this humorous poem around. The energetic ludicrousness of the self-importance compliments the enthusiastic spirit of them making this poem passionate yet

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