
Flaws In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo & Juliet Essay “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” is a play written by William Shakespeare about 420 years ago. The play is set in Verona, a city-state located in Italy, where two prestigious families battle over an ancient rivalry. In a twist only Fate can produce, a young man named Romeo from the Montague family falls in love with a girl named Juliet from the Capulet family. They marry quickly, but keep the marriage a secret from their families. However, the fighting between the families worsen, and the attempt to keep the secret causes Romeo and Juliet to take their lives in the end. Many factors came together to instigate to the tragedy. As with other Shakespearean plays, Fate plays a role to cause the tragedy to occur. It creates …show more content…

However, character flaws are the main causes of this tragedy. Romeo’s flaws certainly set his fate in stone. Romeo’s age is uncertain, but by a good guess he would be about sixteen or eighteen. This is a volatile age for a boy, when he undergoes puberty. This could explain the absolutely terrible decisions he makes guided with no more than his emotions. Just days previous to the Capulet party, he is smitten with a girl named Rosaline. Of course, he forgets all about her as soon as he meets Juliet. He then marries Juliet the very next day, having no more interactions with her other than a balcony conversation, and also being aware that Juliet’s family won’t approve the marriage. This marriage has two effects: Juliet is now married, this means her arranged marriage with Paris gets really complicated. The marriage also causes Romeo to be squeamish about accepting the duel with Tybalt, leading to Mercutio fighting and dying. Unsurprisingly, Mercutio’s death causes Romeo to toss the cousin-in-law thing out the window and charges Tybalt, killing him in the process. He doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions, or that Tybalt would be prosecuted anyways under the law, he just does it under his emotions. So this brings us to the last terrible decision he makes. When he finds out that Juliet is “dead”, he immediately plans to die with Juliet. He is so emotional, he doesn’t consider obvious things, such as is it worth to throw his life away for …show more content…

One of her flaws is that she doesn’t act on her judgements. During the balcony scene, she states to Romeo that the wedding is too rash and too sudden, and she is unhappy with the promise. However, she still goes ahead and marries Romeo anyways. Which demonstrates her strange nature of going against her judgement. Consequently, the secret wedding with Romeo causes a lot of issues when Capulet decides to betroth her with Paris. Juliet really doesn’t want to marry Paris, because she would betray Romeo and she would break the holy vow of marriage, so she refuses. This makes Capulet hilariously upset, threatening her with disownment. Even with this, she doesn’t tell the truth of her marriage. Instead, she seeks help with the Nurse, then Friar Laurence. Perhaps she’s afraid of humiliation and disappointment from her father, but with something so sacrilegious and immoral happening (marrying twice and betraying Romeo), it would be wise to tell the truth. Friar Laurence then proposes a solution, albeit a very sketchy and morally flawed solution. It calls for the faux death of Juliet, and her reawakening in the Capulet tomb where Romeo should be waiting. Not only does this breaks the heart of her family and lover, but also hazardous for Juliet to lie in a tomb. Juliet even expresses concerns of this plan, such as the potential toxicity of the potion or being

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