
Flaws In Oedipus The King

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Standard Greek tragedies are constructed very similarly if not exactly the same in terms of their structure and according to the philosopher Aristotle, there are specific elements that absolutely must be included. One of the most important requirements is that the main character remains consistent with the traits they were given, meaning they never commit an action that could potentially be viewed as out of line for them. Unfortunately, in the play Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, the inability to understand mistakes and overall arrogance Oedipus possesses throughout the entire duration of events is what ultimately brings him to meet the inevitable conclusions about himself and the others around him. In each circumstance his flaws are quite apparent to everyone yet he refuses to accept them for what they essentially are and continues his process of rejection. His weaknesses are portrayed in several situations all the way from the beginning to the end of the plot and while the realization of his faults seems to take an eternity to arrive, the acknowledgement is eventually made that his blindness was caused by his incurable vision of himself.

In Oedipus’ original state of mind, he sees nothing but the new power he holds over the people of Thebes and a very high self worth. Since the killing of the previous king Laius, there is a massive increase in the desire for a cure to the rapidly spreading plague threatening the city. After visiting the god Apollo, the discovery

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